I am pleased to announce that my internet is finally up and running again!
It's been out over a week and I thought I might die of networking withdraws! Haha
As for that tutorial I promised, I suppose it will have to wait until next week.
I need some opinions though....
I want to do a theme for each day of the week, to help keep me on track.
I have some ideas already, but I can always use more.
So far I have:
- Music Mondays (I'll post a song/ music video to share with you all)
- Totally Wired Tuesdays (Tutorial or new piece of jewelry that involves wire)
- Wild Wednesdays (This will be the "wild card" of the week, so it could be a post about anything!)
- Thankful Thursday (I will tell something I am thankful for and then share with you and giveaways, coupons, etc I have found)
- Friendly Friday (This is where I will feature fellow artisans, bloggers, and even friends. Might do some reviews as well, if anyone is interested in that.)
I also had some other ideas, but I don't think I like them as well.
Must Have Mondays, Thoughtful Thursday (variation on Thankful), Thirsty Thursday, Finding Friday, etc.
You get the idea. :)
Any thoughts or suggestions on this would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance for the help!
The Everyday Jeweler
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